Mario Zivic

A Personal Space


This is a work in progress...


View Mario Zivic's LinkedIn profileView my profile: I am a Senior Consultant/Systems Architect with experience in the full lifecycle of the software design and development process including gathering and defining requirements, prototyping, proof of concept, design, development, testing and maintenance. Excellent business, technical and management skills developed over 10+ years of work on large Documentum CMS solutions for life sciences and financial services industry.


View my company: We provide our clients with IT solutions that overcome continuously increasing business challenges. We achieve this by ofering our professionals that have application specific knowledge and experience in programming, software development, IT consulting, and project management, and by using innovative, value-creating technologies and solutions.

We have experience not only with the mainstream technology platforms, such as Sun JavaEE or Microsoft .NET Framework, but also with proprietary products such as EMC Documentum and Microsoft SharePoint, as well as with high-quality open source tools, such as Spring framework, Alfresco, Struts, Hibernate and Lucene, to name a few.


Contact information: You can email me at info(at) or please visit the My Company's Contact page for other ways of communication.

© 2007 Mario Zivic - Contact: info(at)